build-Lacking social proof and client testimonials?
Here are THREE ways you can build trust with your audience so that they buy from you.
Because trust is the quickest way to win more business and make more sales!
#1 The social proof that you do have: make sure you're re-sharing it AGAIN AND AGAIN.
The truth is nobody really remembers the social proof that you shared seven days ago is completely fine and okay to share the same client wins every couple of weeks.
#2 Go out and offer your services for free or very cheap.
I know your services are amazing and the value you provide your clients with is worth good money. However, doing work for free, especially in the early stages of your business will always return more down the line and probably at a quicker rate.
#3 Take the time to really master your content messaging and positioning.
The easiest and quickest way to sign clients is to master your content because your content is your sales strategy. It is only when you create content that connects with your ideal client that you start generating leads on autopilot directly to your business which then brings you sales.
Be sure to share this post with anyone who is just starting out in their business and wants to start earning their audiences trust!
And if you want help to get clear on your messaging and start attracting dream clients with ease then click here to find out more about the help I offer.